UnitOfWork Manager ✨
UnitOfWork Manager ✨
This article guides how to manage transactions using attributes (annotations) in an ASP.NET Core project.
UnitOfWorkManager can only manage transactions for Repository objects.
It supports six propagation modes, making cross-method transactions very convenient, supporting both synchronous and asynchronous operations:
- Required: Creates a new transaction if none exists; if a transaction exists, it joins that transaction. This is the default choice.
- Supports: Supports the current transaction; if no transaction exists, it executes as a non-transactional method.
- Mandatory: Uses the current transaction; throws an exception if no current transaction exists.
- NotSupported: Executes as a non-transactional operation; if a transaction exists, it suspends the current transaction.
- Never: Executes as a non-transactional operation; throws an exception if a transaction exists.
- Nested: Executes in a nested transaction mode.
The final transaction code looks like this:
public class SongService
readonly IBaseRepository<Song> _songRepository;
readonly IBaseRepository<Detail> _detailRepository;
public SongService(IBaseRepository<Song> songRepository, IBaseRepository<Detail> detailRepository)
_songRepository = songRepository;
_detailRepository = detailRepository;
async public Task Test1()
// All injected repository objects are within the same transaction
await _songRepository.InsertAsync(xxx1);
await _detailRepository.DeleteAsync(xxx2);
Step 1: Dependency Injection and Middleware
// Dependency Injection
// Middleware
public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app)
app.Use(async (context, next) =>
await next();
Step 2: Introduce Dynamic Proxy Library
Rougamo: https://github.com/inversionhourglass/Rougamo
dotnet add package Rougamo.Fody
public class TransactionalAttribute : Rougamo.MoAttribute
public Propagation Propagation { get; set; } = Propagation.Required;
public IsolationLevel IsolationLevel { get => m_IsolationLevel.Value; set => m_IsolationLevel = value; }
IsolationLevel? m_IsolationLevel;
static AsyncLocal<IServiceProvider> m_ServiceProvider = new AsyncLocal<IServiceProvider>();
public static void SetServiceProvider(IServiceProvider serviceProvider) => m_ServiceProvider.Value = serviceProvider;
IUnitOfWork _uow;
public override void OnEntry(MethodContext context)
var uowManager = m_ServiceProvider.Value.GetService<UnitOfWorkManager>();
_uow = uowManager.Begin(this.Propagation, this.m_IsolationLevel);
public override void OnExit(MethodContext context)
if (typeof(Task).IsAssignableFrom(context.RealReturnType))
((Task)context.ReturnValue).ContinueWith(t => _OnExit());
else _OnExit();
void _OnExit()
if (context.Exception == null) _uow.Commit();
else _uow.Rollback();
UnitOfWorkManager Members | Description |
IUnitOfWork Current | Returns the current unit of work |
void Binding(repository) | Manages the transaction of the repository |
IUnitOfWork Begin(propagation, isolationLevel) | Creates a unit of work |
Extension: Custom Repository
The above example uses generic repositories. If you need to override a repository, how to ensure it shares the same transaction with UnitOfWorkManager
Inherit from the existing BaseRepository<,>
to implement a custom repository SongRepository.cs
public class SongRepository : BaseRepository<Song, int>, ISongRepository
public SongRepository(UnitOfWorkManager uowManger) : base(uowManger?.Orm)
public List<Song> GetSongs()
return Select.Page(1, 10).ToList();
Interface: ISongRepository.cs
public interface ISongRepository : IBaseRepository<Song, int>
List<Song> GetSongs();
Register this service in startup.cs
services.AddScoped<ISongRepository, SongRepository>();
Extension: Multi-Database
FreeSql.Cloud provides cross-database access. This section explains how to integrate FreeSql.Cloud with UowManager for multi-database scenarios.
Note: Multi-tenant Database should be skipped as multi-tenant requests usually only operate on one database. Just switch tenants in the middleware.
Define FreeSqlCloud object using DbEnum
as follows:
public enum DbEnum { db1, db2 }
public class FreeSqlCloud : FreeSqlCloud<DbEnum> // Change DbEnum to string for multi-tenant management
public FreeSqlCloud() : base(null) { }
public FreeSqlCloud(string distributeKey) : base(distributeKey) { }
The final transaction code looks like this:
class UserRepository : RepositoryCloud<User>, IBaseRepository<User>
public UserRepository(UnitOfWorkManagerCloud uowm) : base(DbEnum.db3, uowm) { } // db3
class UserService : IUserService
readonly IBaseRepository<User> m_repo1;
readonly BaseRepository<User> m_repo2;
readonly UserRepository m_repo3;
public UserService(IBaseRepository<User> repo1, BaseRepository<User> repo2, UserRepository repo3)
m_repo1 = repo1; // db1
m_repo2 = repo2; // db1
m_repo3 = repo3; // db3
public void Test01()
Assume that IBaseRepository<T>
defaults to db1
for repository implementation, dependency injection is as follows:
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
services.AddSingleton(r => r.GetService<FreeSqlCloud>().Use(DbEnum.db1)); // Inject IFreeSql
services.AddScoped(typeof(IBaseRepository<>), typeof(RepositoryCloud<>)); // default: db1
foreach (var repositoryType in typeof(User).Assembly.GetTypes().Where(a => a.IsAbstract == false && typeof(IBaseRepository).IsAssignableFrom(a)))
, RepositoryCloud
, and TransactionalAttribute
are the components we need to implement:
class UnitOfWorkManagerCloud
readonly Dictionary<string, UnitOfWorkManager> m_managers = new Dictionary<string, UnitOfWorkManager>();
readonly FreeSqlCloud m_cloud;
public UnitOfWorkManagerCloud(FreeSqlCloud cloud)
m_cloud = cloud;
public UnitOfWorkManager GetUnitOfWorkManager(string db)
if (m_managers.TryGetValue(db, out var uowm) == false)
m_managers.Add(db, uowm = new UnitOfWorkManager(m_cloud.Use(db)));
return uowm;
public void Dispose()
foreach(var uowm in m_managers.Values) uowm.Dispose();
public IUnitOfWork Begin(string db, Propagation propagation = Propagation.Required, IsolationLevel? isolationLevel = null)
return GetUnitOfWorkManager(db).Begin(propagation, isolationLevel);
class RepositoryCloud<T> : BaseRepository<T, int> where T : class
public RepositoryCloud(UnitOfWorkManagerCloud uomw) : this(DbEnum.db1, uomw) { } //DI
public RepositoryCloud(DbEnum db, UnitOfWorkManagerCloud uomw) : this(uomw.GetUnitOfWorkManager(db.ToString())) { }
RepositoryCloud(UnitOfWorkManager uomw) : base(uomw.Orm)
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Method, AllowMultiple = true)]
public class TransactionalAttribute : Rougamo.MoAttribute
public Propagation Propagation { get; set; } = Propagation.Required;
public IsolationLevel IsolationLevel { get => m_IsolationLevel.Value; set => m_IsolationLevel = value; }
IsolationLevel? m_IsolationLevel;
readonly DbEnum m_db;
public TransactionalAttribute(DbEnum db)
m_db = db;
static AsyncLocal<IServiceProvider> m_ServiceProvider = new AsyncLocal<IServiceProvider>();
public static void SetServiceProvider(IServiceProvider serviceProvider) => m_ServiceProvider.Value = serviceProvider;
IUnitOfWork _uow;
public override void OnEntry(MethodContext context)
var uowManager = m_ServiceProvider.Value.GetService<UnitOfWorkManagerCloud>();
_uow = uowManager.Begin(m_db, this.Propagation, this.m_IsolationLevel);
public override void OnExit(MethodContext context)
if (typeof(Task).IsAssignableFrom(context.RealReturnType))
((Task)context.ReturnValue).ContinueWith(t => _OnExit());
else _OnExit();
void _OnExit()
if (context.Exception == null) _uow.Commit();
else _uow.Rollback();