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Cascade Save

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Cascade Save

The following content heavily relies on the correct configuration of Navigation Properties, so please ensure you understand that first before proceeding!

  • Topic: Articles table
  • Category: Categories table
  • Comment: Comments table
  • Tag: Tags table
  • ManyToOne: Topic (many) related to Category (one)
  • OneToOne: Topic (one) related to Content (one)
  • OneToMany: Topic (one) related to Comments (many)
  • ManyToMany: Topic (many) related to Tags (many)

Cascade saving is not suitable for ManyToOne relationships because it is unreasonable to save the Category every time you save a Topic (consider the reasons). Therefore, only OneToOne, OneToMany, and ManyToMany cascade saving will be discussed below.

If you do not understand the above content, please read it several times!

Enabling the Feature

dotnet add package FreeSql.DbContext

This feature was implemented in 2019 (stable). You may also refer to the 2022 release of “Aggregate Root Repository” (more automatic cascade saving).

Cascade saving is disabled by default and needs to be enabled manually:

repo.DbContextOptions.EnableCascadeSave = true;

Mechanism Rules

  1. OneToOne Cascade Saving

    Supported from v3.2.606+, and also supports Cascade Delete functionality.

  2. OneToMany: Appending or updating child records without deleting existing child records

    • Existing Comment child records are not deleted
    • When topic.Comments is empty, no operations are performed
    • When saving topic.Comments, it will also save the sub-collection properties of topic.Comments[0-..], recursively down 18 levels

    Recursively down 18 levels means, for example, the Articles table has a collection property Comments, and Comments has a collection property Sub-comments. When saving the Articles table object, it will retrieve the collection property Comments, and if Comments are saved, it will further retrieve the collection property Sub-comments, and perform InsertOrUpdate operations together.

  3. ManyToMany: Complete comparison to save the intermediate table; external tables only append, not update

    Complete comparison saves the intermediate table by comparing existing data and performing additions, modifications, and deletions.


Test 1: Append Save OneToMany

class Cagetory
    public Guid Id { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }

    public Guid ParentId { get; set; }
    public List<Cagetory> Childs { get; set; }
public void TestOneToManyParent()
    var repo = fsql.GetRepository<Cagetory>();
    repo.DbContextOptions.EnableCascadeSave = true;
    var cts = new[]
        new Cagetory
            Name = "Category1",
            Childs = new List<Cagetory>(new[]
                new Cagetory { Name = "Category1_1" },
                new Cagetory { Name = "Category1_2" },
                new Cagetory { Name = "Category1_3" }
        new Cagetory
            Name = "Category2",
            Childs = new List<Cagetory>(new[]
                new Cagetory { Name = "Category2_1" },
                new Cagetory { Name = "Category2_2" }
    //INSERT INTO "Cagetory"("Id", "Name", "ParentId") VALUES('5d90afcb-ed57-f6f4-0082-cb6b78eaaf9f', 'Category1', '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'), ('5d90afcb-ed57-f6f4-0082-cb6c5b531b3e', 'Category2', '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000')
    //INSERT INTO "Cagetory"("Id", "Name", "ParentId") VALUES('5d90afcb-ed57-f6f4-0082-cb6d0c1c5f1a', 'Category1_1', '5d90afcb-ed57-f6f4-0082-cb6b78eaaf9f'), ('5d90afcb-ed57-f6f4-0082-cb6e74bd8eef', 'Category1_2', '5d90afcb-ed57-f6f4-0082-cb6b78eaaf9f'), ('5d90afcb-ed57-f6f4-0082-cb6f6267cc5f', 'Category1_3', '5d90afcb-ed57-f6f4-0082-cb6b78eaaf9f'), ('5d90afcb-ed57-f6f4-0082-cb7057c41d46', 'Category2_1', '5d90afcb-ed57-f6f4-0082-cb6c5b531b3e'), ('5d90afcb-ed57-f6f4-0082-cb7156e0375e', 'Category2_2', '5d90afcb-ed57-f6f4-0082-cb6c5b531b3e')
    cts[0].Name = "Category11";
    cts[1].Name = "Category22";
    //UPDATE "Cagetory" SET "Name" = CASE "Id"
    //WHEN '5d90afcb-ed57-f6f4-0082-cb6b78eaaf9f' THEN 'Category11'
    //WHEN '5d90afcb-ed57-f6f4-0082-cb6c5b531b3e' THEN 'Category22' END
    //WHERE ("Id" IN ('5d90afcb-ed57-f6f4-0082-cb6b78eaaf9f','5d90afcb-ed57-f6f4-0082-cb6c5b531b3e'))
    //Childs.Clear 后没有执行删除子集合操作,说明没有做完整的对比
    cts[0].Name = "Category111";
    cts[0].Childs.Add(new Cagetory { Name = "Category1_33" });
    cts[1].Name = "Category222";
    cts[1].Childs.Add(new Cagetory { Name = "Category2_22" });
    //UPDATE "Cagetory" SET "Name" = CASE "Id"
    //WHEN '5d90afcb-ed57-f6f4-0082-cb6b78eaaf9f' THEN 'Category111'
    //WHEN '5d90afcb-ed57-f6f4-0082-cb6c5b531b3e' THEN 'Category222' END
    //WHERE ("Id" IN ('5d90afcb-ed57-f6f4-0082-cb6b78eaaf9f','5d90afcb-ed57-f6f4-0082-cb6c5b531b3e'))
    //INSERT INTO "Cagetory"("Id", "Name", "ParentId") VALUES('5d90afe8-ed57-f6f4-0082-cb725df546ea', 'Category1_33', '5d90afcb-ed57-f6f4-0082-cb6b78eaaf9f'), ('5d90afe8-ed57-f6f4-0082-cb7338a6214c', 'Category2_22', '5d90afcb-ed57-f6f4-0082-cb6c5b531b3e')

Test 2: Complete Save ManyToMany

class Song
    public Guid Id { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public List<Tag> Tags { get; set; }
class Tag
    public Guid Id { get; set; }
    public string TagName { get; set; }
    public List<Song> Songs { get; set; }
class SongTag
    public Guid SongId { get; set; }
    public Song Song { get; set; }
    public Guid TagId { get; set; }
    public Tag Tag { get; set; }

public void TestManyToMany()
    var tags = new[]
        new Tag { TagName = "Pop" },
        new Tag { TagName = "1980" },
        new Tag { TagName = "2000" },
        new Tag { TagName = "Rock" }
    var ss = new[]
        new Song
            Name = "I love you.mp3",
            Tags = new List<Tag>(new[]
                tags[0], tags[1]
        new Song
            Name = "Home.mp3",
            Tags = new List<Tag>(new[]
                tags[0], tags[2]
    var repo = fsql.GetRepository<Song>();
    repo.DbContextOptions.EnableCascadeSave = true;
    //INSERT INTO "Song"("Id", "Name") VALUES('5d90fdb3-6a6b-2c58-00c8-37974177440d', 'I love you.mp3'), ('5d90fdb3-6a6b-2c58-00c8-37987f29b197', 'Home.mp3')
    //INSERT INTO "Tag"("Id", "TagName") VALUES('5d90fdb7-6a6b-2c58-00c8-37991ead4f05', 'Pop'), ('5d90fdbd-6a6b-2c58-00c8-379a0432a09c', '1980')
    //INSERT INTO "SongTag"("SongId", "TagId") VALUES('5d90fdb3-6a6b-2c58-00c8-37974177440d', '5d90fdb7-6a6b-2c58-00c8-37991ead4f05'), ('5d90fdb3-6a6b-2c58-00c8-37974177440d', '5d90fdbd-6a6b-2c58-00c8-379a0432a09c')
    //INSERT INTO "Tag"("Id", "TagName") VALUES('5d90fdcc-6a6b-2c58-00c8-379b5af59d25', '2000')
    //INSERT INTO "SongTag"("SongId", "TagId") VALUES('5d90fdb3-6a6b-2c58-00c8-37987f29b197', '5d90fdb7-6a6b-2c58-00c8-37991ead4f05'), ('5d90fdb3-6a6b-2c58-00c8-37987f29b197', '5d90fdcc-6a6b-2c58-00c8-379b5af59d25')

    ss[0].Name = "I love you.mp5";
    ss[1].Name = "Home.mp5";
    //UPDATE "Song" SET "Name" = CASE "Id"
    //WHEN '5d90fdb3-6a6b-2c58-00c8-37974177440d' THEN 'I love you.mp5'
    //WHEN '5d90fdb3-6a6b-2c58-00c8-37987f29b197' THEN 'Home.mp5' END
    //WHERE ("Id" IN ('5d90fdb3-6a6b-2c58-00c8-37974177440d','5d90fdb3-6a6b-2c58-00c8-37987f29b197'))

    //SELECT a."SongId", a."TagId"
    //FROM "SongTag" a
    //WHERE (a."SongId" = '5d90fdb3-6a6b-2c58-00c8-37974177440d')

    //DELETE FROM "SongTag" WHERE ("SongId" = '5d90fdb3-6a6b-2c58-00c8-37974177440d' AND "TagId" = '5d90fdbd-6a6b-2c58-00c8-379a0432a09c')
    //INSERT INTO "Tag"("Id", "TagName") VALUES('5d90febd-6a6b-2c58-00c8-379c21acfc72', 'Rock')

    //SELECT a."SongId", a."TagId"
    //FROM "SongTag" a
    //WHERE (a."SongId" = '5d90fdb3-6a6b-2c58-00c8-37987f29b197')

    //DELETE FROM "SongTag" WHERE ("SongId" = '5d90fdb3-6a6b-2c58-00c8-37987f29b197' AND "TagId" = '5d90fdb7-6a6b-2c58-00c8-37991ead4f05' OR "SongId" = '5d90fdb3-6a6b-2c58-00c8-37987f29b197' AND "TagId" = '5d90fdcc-6a6b-2c58-00c8-379b5af59d25')
    //INSERT INTO "SongTag"("SongId", "TagId") VALUES('5d90fdb3-6a6b-2c58-00c8-37987f29b197', '5d90febd-6a6b-2c58-00c8-379c21acfc72')

    ss[0].Name = "I love you.mp4";
    ss[1].Name = "Home.mp4";
    //DELETE FROM "SongTag" WHERE ("SongId" = '5d90fdb3-6a6b-2c58-00c8-37974177440d')
    //DELETE FROM "SongTag" WHERE ("SongId" = '5d90fdb3-6a6b-2c58-00c8-37987f29b197')

    //UPDATE "Song" SET "Name" = CASE "Id"
    //WHEN '5d90fdb3-6a6b-2c58-00c8-37974177440d' THEN 'I love you.mp4'
    //WHEN '5d90fdb3-6a6b-2c58-00c8-37987f29b197' THEN 'Home.mp4' END
    //WHERE ("Id" IN ('5d90fdb3-6a6b-2c58-00c8-37974177440d','5d90fdb3-6a6b-2c58-00c8-37987f29b197'))