July 26, 2024About 3 minAbout 779 words
IFreeSql fsql; // For creation details, please refer to the Getting Started documentation
Retrieve All Databases
var t1 = fsql.DbFirst.GetDatabases();
//["cccddd", "test"]
Retrieve Table Information for a Specific Database
var t2 = fsql.DbFirst.GetTablesByDatabase(fsql.DbFirst.GetDatabases()[0]);
// Returns details including tables, columns, primary keys, unique keys, indexes, foreign keys, comments, etc.
var t3 = fsql.DbFirst.GetTableByName("table1");
// Returns details including columns, primary keys, unique keys, indexes, comments, etc.
The code generator FreeSql.Generator
is a code generator for FreeSql. It can generate entity classes and supports dynamically generating entities from database entities. By default, it includes two templates based on Razor, and you can specify custom templates.
dotnet tool install -g FreeSql.Generator
dotnet tool update -g FreeSql.Generator
Create a new directory, open the command window quickly by typing cmd
in the address bar, and enter the following command:
FreeSql.Generator --help
The great advantage of using the command-line tool to generate entity classes is that subsequent regenerations and overwrite operations can be done with a single command, and it supports Mac/Linux platforms.
C:\WINDOWS\system32>FreeSql.Generator --help
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# Github # https://github.com/dotnetcore/FreeSql v2.0.105
FreeSql Quick Generate Database Entity Classes
Update Tool: dotnet tool update -g FreeSql.Generator
# Quick Start #
> FreeSql.Generator -Razor 1 -NameOptions 0,0,0,0 -NameSpace MyProject -DB "MySql,Data Source=;..."
-Razor 1 * Select template: Entity class + attributes
-Razor 2 * Select template: Entity class + attributes + navigation properties
-Razor "d:\diy.cshtml" * Custom template file
-NameOptions * 4 boolean values corresponding to:
Capitalize the first letter
Capitalize the first letter, others lowercase
All lowercase
Underscore to camelCase
-NameSpace * Namespace
-DB "MySql,data source=;port=3306;user id=root;password=root;initial catalog=db;charset=utf8;sslmode=none;max pool size=2"
-DB "SqlServer,data source=.;integrated security=True;initial catalog=db;pooling=true;max pool size=2"
-DB "PostgreSQL,host=;port=5432;username=postgres;password=123456;database=db;pooling=true;maximum pool size=2"
-DB "Oracle,user id=user1;password=123456;data source=//;pooling=true;max pool size=2"
-DB "Sqlite,data source=document.db"
-DB "Firebird,database=localhost:D:\fbdata\EXAMPLES.fdb;user=sysdba;password=123456;max pool size=2"
-DB "Dameng,server=;port=5236;user id=2user;password=123456789;database=2user;poolsize=2"
-DB "KingbaseES,server=;port=54321;uid=USER2;pwd=123456789;database=db"
-DB "ShenTong,host=;port=2003;database=db;username=SYSDBA;password=szoscar55;maxpoolsize=2"
-Filter Table+View+StoreProcedure
Default: Generate tables, views, and stored procedures.
If you don't want to generate views and stored procedures, use -Filter View+StoreProcedure.
-Match Table name or regular expression to match only specific tables, e.g., dbo\.TB_.+
-FileName File name, default: {name}.cs
-Output Save path, default is the current shell directory.
Recommended to create gen.bat in the entity directory, double-click it to regenerate all entity classes.
Common Options
Option | Description |
-Razor | Choose a template: Entity class + attributes -Razor 1 / Entity class + attributes + navigation properties -Razor 2 / Custom template file -Razor "d:\diy.cshtml" |
-NameOptions | Naming convention for the generated entities. Set only one of the four boolean values to 1. Options are: Pascal Case / Pascal Case, others lowercase / All lowercase / Underscore to camel case (-NameOptions 0,0,0,1 ) |
-NameSpace | Namespace |
-DB | Refer to the -DB parameter section below |
-Filter | Table+View+StoreProcedure (default: generates tables, views, and stored procedures). To exclude views and stored procedures, use -Filter View+StoreProcedure |
-Match | Table name or regular expression to match specific tables, e.g., dbo.TB_.+ |
-FileName | File name, default: {name}.cs |
-Output | Recommended to create gen.bat in the entity directory. Double-click it to regenerate all entity classes. |
-DB Parameter
-DB "MySql,data source=;port=3306;user id=root;password=root;initial catalog=b;charset=utf8;sslmode=none;max pool size=2"
-DB "SqlServer,data source=.;integrated security=True;initial catalog=db;pooling=true;max pool size=2"
-DB "PostgreSQL,host=;port=5432;username=postgres;password=123456;database=db;pooling=true;maximum pool size=2"
-DB "Oracle,user id=user1;password=123456;data source=//;pooling=true;max pool size=2"
-DB "Sqlite,data source=document.db"
-DB "Firebird,database=localhost:D:\fbdata\EXAMPLES.fdb;user=sysdba;password=123456;max pool size=2"
-DB "Dameng,server=;port=5236;user id=2user;password=123456789;database=2user;poolsize=2"
-DB "KingbaseES,server=;port=54321;uid=USER2;pwd=123456789;database=db"
-DB "ShenTong,host=;port=2003;database=db;username=SYSDBA;password=szoscar55;maxpoolsize=2"