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Ado is one of the important objects under IFreeSql, encapsulating all SQL operations and providing methods such as ExecuteReader, ExecuteDataSet, ExecuteDataTable, ExecuteNonQuery, and ExecuteScalar. It works similarly to the traditional SqlHelper.

Query SQL

// Return multiple records
List<T> list = fsql.Ado.Query<T>("select * from t1");

// Return a single record
T item = fsql.Ado.QuerySingle<T>("select * from t1 where id = @id", new { id = 1 });

// Return multiple result sets
var result = fsql.Ado.Query<T1, T2>("select * from t1; select * from t2");
List<T1> list1 = result.Item1;
List<T2> list2 = result.Item2;

// Like query
string searchText = "abc";
List<T> users = _fsql.Ado.Query<T>("select * from t1 where name like @name", new { name = "%" + searchText + "%" });

// Get database time
// SELECT now(), utc_timestamp()
var result = fsql.Ado.QuerySingle(() => new


All parameters for Ado can accept anonymous objects or dictionaries:

 new { id = 1, name = "xx" }
 new Dictionary<string, object> { ["id"] = 1, ["name"] = "xx" }

Regarding parameter prefixes:

  • odbc uses ? and does not have a specific identifier, so freesql disables odbc parameterization.
TypePrefix Symbol

IN parameterization queries:

Currently, only Array and IList types are supported for binding

var ids = new int[] { 1, 2, 3 };
List<T> list = fsql.Ado.Query<T>("select * from t1 where id in @ids", new { ids = ids });

Check Connection

bool isok = fsql.Ado.ExecuteConnectTest();

Command Fluent

When there are too many overloaded methods in fsql.Ado, it is recommended to use CommandFluent, for example, with stored procedures:

DbParameter p2 = null;
    .WithParameter("TableName", "tb1")
    .WithParameter("FInterID", null, p =>
        //(p as OracleParameter).OracleType = ...;
        p2 = p; // Output parameter
        p.DbType = DbType.Int32;
        p.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;
        (p as SqlParameter).Size = 50; // Specific database parameter
    .ExecuteNonQuery(); //.Query<T>() or .ExecuteDataTable() or ...


Oracle stored procedure to get DataTable:

OracleParameter p2 = null;
var dt = fsql.Ado.CommandFluent("getTableInfo")
     .WithParameter("out_var", null, p =>
         p2 = p as OracleParameter;
         p2.OracleDbType = OracleDbType.RefCursor;
         p2.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;
Console.WriteLine(dt.Rows.Count); Extensions

Provides usage similar to Dapper, FreeSql adds extension methods Select/Insert/Update/Delete for IDbConnection/IDbTransaction objects to implement CRUD operations.

using FreeSql;

using (var conn = new SqlConnection(...))
  //IFreeSql fsql = conn.GetIFreeSql();
  //fsql.CodeFirst.IsNoneCommandParameter = true;
  //fsql.CodeFirst.IsSyncStructureToUpper = true;
  //fsql.Aop.CommandBefore += (_, e) => Trace.WriteLine(e.Command.CommandText);
  //The entire program only needs to be set once


  conn.Insert(new T {}).ExecuteAffrows();
  conn.Update().SetSource(new T {}).ExecuteAffrows();
  conn.InsertOrUpdate().SetSource(new T {}).ExecuteAffrows();

  • Each SqlConnection's GetFreeSql() returns the same IFreeSql instance;
  • You can set Aop events for fsql, such as monitoring SQL;
  • The IDbFirst and Transaction members of IFreeSql are not available;

This feature allows for quick integration of FreeSql into a project, as long as you handle entity class attributes properly.

Hint: FreeSql is 99% compatible with EFCore entity attributes