Single Table
October 16, 2020Less than 1 minuteAbout 266 words
Single Table
IFreeSql fsql; // For creation instructions, please refer to the introductory documentation.
class Topic
[Column(IsIdentity = true)]
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Title { get; set; }
public int Clicks { get; set; }
public DateTime CreateTime { get; set; }
public int CategoryId { get; set; }
Single Table
.Where(a => a.Id == 10)
//SELECT a.`Id`, a.`Clicks`, a.`CategoryId`, a.`Title`, a.`CreateTime`
//FROM `Topic` a
//WHERE (a.`Id` = 10)
.Where(a => a.Id == 10 && a.Id > 10 || a.Clicks > 100)
//SELECT a.`Id`, a.`Clicks`, a.`CategoryId`, a.`Title`, a.`CreateTime`
//FROM `Topic` a
//WHERE (a.`Id` = 10 AND a.`Id` > 10 OR a.`Clicks` > 100)
.Where(a => new []{1,2,3}.Contains(a.Id))
//SELECT a.`Id`, a.`Clicks`, a.`CategoryId`, a.`Title`, a.`CreateTime`
//FROM `Topic` a
//WHERE (a.`Id` in (1,2,3))
.WithSql("select * from Topic where clicks > @val", new { val = 10 })
.Page(1, 10)
//SELECT a.`Id`, a.`Clicks`, a.`CategoryId`, a.`Title`, a.`CreateTime`
//FROM (select * from Topic where clicks > @val) a
Using WithSql multiple times is equivalent to UNION ALL queries.
v3.2.666 UnionAll Union Queries, WithTempQuery + FromQuery Nested Queries
v3.2.666 WithMemory for querying using in-memory data.
Assuming cross-database servers or cached data tables, WithMemory can achieve data table and memory-related queries.
var list = new List<Topic>();
list.Add(new Topic { ... });
list.Add(new Topic { ... });
//SELECT a.`Id`, a.`Clicks`, a.`CategoryId`, a.`Title`, a.`CreateTime`
//FROM (
// SELECT ...
// SELECT ...
//) a