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Mapping Attributes✨

nicyeAbout 4 minAbout 1268 words

Mapping Attributes✨

v1.4.0+ automatically recognizes EF attributes such as


Table Name

[Table(Name = "tb_topic")]
class Topic { }

Architecture: [Table(Name = "dbo.tb_topic")]

Note: For table names with dots, use [Table(Name = "sys.config")] to resolve.

Methods for table name mapping, from lowest to highest priority:

    1. Entity class name
    1. Aop fsql.Aop.ConfigEntity += (_, e) => e.ModifyResult.Name = "public.tabname"
    1. Fluent API fsql.CodeFirst.ConfigEntity(a => a.Name("public.tabname"))
    1. [Table(Name = "public.tabname")]
    1. AsTable fsql.Select<T>().AsTable((_, old) => "public.tabname").ToList()

v3.2.660 allows adjusting priority with UseMappingPriority.

Property: [Column(Name = "xxx")]

Primary Key

class Topic
    [Column(IsPrimary = true)]
    public int Id { get; set; }
  • If no primary key is specified, a field named id will be treated as the primary key (case insensitive).
  • When the primary key is of type Guid, a value will be automatically created (ordered, unique) upon insertion, so you don't need to assign it yourself (supports distributed systems).

Composite primary keys use attributes on multiple properties.

For Oracle, if the primary key name length exceeds 30, use [OraclePrimaryKeyName(name)].

Auto-Increment (Identity)

class Topic
    [Column(IsIdentity = true)]
    public int Id { get; set; }
  • If no primary key is specified, the auto-incremented member will be used as the primary key.
  • For DbFirst mode sequences: [Column(IsIdentity = true, InsertValueSql = "seqname.nextval")]

Unique Key, Index

[Index("uk_phone", "Phone", true)]
[Index("uk_group_index", "Group,Index11", true)]
[Index("uk_group_index22", "Group,Index22 desc", true)]
class Topic
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public string Phone { get; set; }

    public string Group { get; set; }
    public int Index11 { get; set; }
    public string Index22 { get; set; }
  • The third parameter true indicates a unique key, while false indicates a regular index.
  • For sharding scenarios: [Index("{tablename}_idx_01", "phone")]

Database Type (DbType)

Note: Generally, use .NET common types (e.g., int/string/DateTime) for mapping. There is no need to set DbType explicitly.

class Topic
    [Column(DbType = "varchar(128) NOT NULL default....")]
    public string Title { get; set; }

You can specify NOT NULL directly on the type or use [Column(IsNullable = false)].

Decimal Precision

class Topic
    [Column(Precision = 10, Scale = 2)]
    public decimal Amount { get; set; }

String Length

class Topic
    [Column(StringLength = 128)]
    // Or [MaxLength(128)]
    public string Title { get; set; }

When the length is -1, the mapping is as follows:

texttextnvarchar(max)nclobtextblob sub_type 1textlongtexttexttexttexttext

Note: MySql [MaxLength(-2)] or [Column(StringLength = -2)] maps to longtext. Other databases follow the same mapping rules as -1.


class Topic
    [Column(IsNullable = false)]
    public string Title { get; set; }

If DbType and IsNullable are not specified, FreeSql provides default settings, such as:

  • int -> not null
  • int? -> nullable

Typically, only specify IsNullable for string types (string is nullable by default).

Server Time

class Topic
    [Column(ServerTime = DateTimeKind.Utc, CanUpdate = false)]
    public DateTime CreateTime { get; set; }
    [Column(ServerTime = DateTimeKind.Utc)]
    public DateTime UpdateTime { get; set; }

When using database time to insert data:

  • Setting the entity's value is ineffective upon insertion.
  • The value of the entity will still be the C# time after the successful insert.


class Topic
    [Column(IsIgnore = true)]
    public string Title { get; set; }

If the property is not mappable, IsIgnore does not need to be specified. For example, the following is unnecessary:

class Topic
    [Column(IsIgnore = true)]
    public Topic Parent { get; set; }

Optimistic Lock (RowVersion)

class Topic
    public Guid Id { get; set; }
    public string Title { get; set; }

    [Column(IsVersion = true)]
    public int Version { get; set; }

The principle of optimistic locking is to use a field in the entity, such as long version. Before updating, query the data; if version is 1, the generated SQL will include where version = 1. If the modification fails (i.e., Affrows == 0), an exception (DbUpdateVersionException) is thrown.

Each entity supports only one optimistic lock property and supports int, long, string, Guid.

Applicable to SetSource for updating data. Regardless of how the version value is updated, it will be incremented by 1.

Custom Type Mapping (MapType)

Using MapType Enum -> string/int etc.:

class Table
    [Column(MapType = typeof(string))]
    public PeopleType t1 { get; set; }

    [Column(MapType = typeof(int))]
    public PeopleType t2 { get; set; }

    [Column(MapType = typeof(string))]
    public BigInteger t3 { get; set; }
public enum PeopleType { TaiWan, abc, HongKong }

TypeHandlers (Custom):

FreeSql.Internal.Utils.TypeHandlers.TryAdd(typeof(JsonPoco), new JsonPocoTypeHandler());
FreeSql.Internal.Utils.TypeHandlers.TryAdd(typeof(DateOnly), new DateOnlyTypeHandler());
FreeSql.Internal.Utils.TypeHandlers.TryAdd(typeof(DateTimeOffset), new DateTimeOffsetTypeHandler());

class Product
    public JsonPoco json { get; set; }
    public DateOnly date { get; set; }
    public DateTimeOffset dateTimeOffset { get; set; }
class JsonPoco
    public int a { get; set; }
    public int b { get; set; }
class JsonPocoTypeHandler : TypeHandler<JsonPoco>
    public override object Serialize(JsonPoco value) => JsonConvert.SerializeObject(value);
    public override JsonPoco Deserialize(object value) => JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<JsonPoco>((string)value);
    public override void FluentApi(FluentColumn col) => col.MapType(typeof(string)).StringLength(-1);
class DateOnlyTypeHandler : TypeHandler<DateOnly>
    public override object Serialize(DateOnly value) => value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
    public override DateOnly Deserialize(object value) => DateOnly.TryParse(string.Concat(value), out var trydo) ? trydo : DateOnly.MinValue;
    public override void FluentApi(FluentColumn col) => col.MapType(typeof(string)).StringLength(12);
class DateTimeOffsetTypeHandler : TypeHandler<DateTimeOffset>
    public override object Serialize(DateTimeOffset value) => value.ToUniversalTime().ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
    public override DateTimeOffset Deserialize(object value) => DateTimeOffset.TryParse((string)value, out var dts) ? dts : DateTimeOffset.MinValue;
    public override void FluentApi(FluentColumn col) => col.MapType(typeof(string)).DbType("datetime");


dotnet add package FreeSql.Extensions.JsonMap

fsql.UseJsonMap(); //Open

class Table
    public int Id { get; set; }

    public TableOptions Options { get; set; }
class TableOptions
    public int Value1 { get; set; }
    public string Value2 { get; set; }

fsql.Select<Table>().Where(a => a.Options.Value1 == 100 && a.Options.Value2 == "xx").ToList();
//WHERE json_extract(a."Options",'$.Value1') = 100 AND json_extract(a."Options",'$.Value2') = 'xx'

Field Position

Applicable scenario: When inheriting entity classes, the order of fields created by CodeFirst might not be desired. Use this attribute to set the order.

Specify field positions when creating tables, e.g., [Column(Position = 1)], negative values are for reverse positions.

CanInsert, CanUpdate

Indicates whether the field can be inserted or updated, default is true. If set to false, the field will be ignored during insert or update operations.

When specifying methods like InsertColumn/UpdateColumns, this attribute may become ineffective.


Use this value when executing the Insert method; its syntax is SQL.

Note: For functions like getdate(), consider using ServerTime as it is adapted for all databases.

class Topic 
    [Column(InsertValueSql = "'xxx'")]
    public string Name { get; set; }

fsql.Insert(new Type()).ExecuteAffrows();
// INSERT INTO `type`(`Name`) VALUES('xxx')

// v3.2.700 Ignore InsertValueSql
fsql.Insert(new Type()).IgnoreInsertValueSql(a => a.Name).ExecuteAffrows();
// INSERT INTO `type`(`Name`) VALUES('')

RewriteSql, RereadSql

Rewrite SQL for insertion and read SQL for querying. For example, handling geography type read and write scenarios:

class Topic 
    [Column(DbType = "geography", 
        RewriteSql = "geography::STGeomFromText({0}, 4236)", 
        RereadSql = "{0}.STAsText()")]
    public string Geo { get; set; }
// Insert: INSERT INTO [ts_geocrud01]([id], [geo]) 
// VALUES(@id_0, geography::STGeomFromText(@geo_0, 4236))

// Query: SELECT TOP 1 a.[id], a.[geo].STAsText() 
// FROM [ts_geocrud01] a 
// WHERE (a.[id] = 'c7227d5e-0bcf-4b71-8f0f-d69a552fe84e')

Disable Migration

fsql.CodeFirst.IsAutoSyncStructure sets global automatic structure migration, or use FreeSqlBuilder.UseAutoSyncStructure(true) when creating IFreeSql.

When an [entity class] corresponds to a database [view] or other objects, you can disable migration for specific entities.

[Table(DisableSyncStructure = true)]
class Topic2
    [Column(IsPrimary = false)]
    public int Id { get; set; }

Database Comments

FreeSql CodeFirst supports migrating C# code comments to database comments. Prerequisites:

  1. The assembly containing the entity classes must have XML documentation enabled.
  2. The XML file must be in the same directory as the assembly, with the file name: xxx.dll -> xxx.xml.

v1.5.0+ versions add support for parsing [Description("xxx")] attributes, with a lower priority than C# code comments.