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Dynamic Operations

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Dynamic Operations

object CRUD



  .Where(a => (a as BaseEntity).Id == 1).ExecuteAffrows();


// Or using repository
var repo = fsql.GetRepository<object>();


v3.2.695 emits dynamic entity creation

var table = fsql.CodeFirst.DynamicEntity("user", new TableAttribute { Name = "t_user" })
  .Property("id", typeof(int), new ColumnAttribute { IsIdentity = true, IsPrimary = true })
  .Property("username", typeof(string), new ColumnAttribute { StringLength = 32 })

// Cache the table if necessary
if (fsql.DbFirst.ExistsTable(table.DbName) == false)
    fsql.CodeFirst.SyncStructure(table.Type); // Create the table

var dict = new Dictionary<string, object>();
dict["id"] = 1;
dict["username"] = "xxx";

// Convert the dictionary to an object corresponding to the type
// Alternatively, use InsertDict/UpdateDict/DeleteDict, etc., for dictionary CUD operations
object obj = table.CreateInstance(dict);

List<object> objs = fsql.Select<object>().AsType(table.Type).ToList();

Dictionary CUD

var dic = new Dictionary<string, object>();
dic.Add("id", 1);
dic.Add("name", "xxxx");


InsertDict/UpdateDict/DeleteDict/InsertOrUpdateDict all support batch operations, corresponding to types List<Dictionary<string, object>>.

Untyped CRUD (More Advanced)

Does not rely on entity types, does not require dynamic compilation, pure dictionary operations, supports navigation properties, cascading saves, a blessing for AOT compilation.

For more details, please refer to 《Untyped Mapping》.

Dynamic Table Names

  1. Repository
var repo = fsql.GetRepository<Log>();
repo.AsTable(old => $"{old}_201903"); // CRUD on Log_201903 table
//repo.AsTable((t, old) => $"{old}_201903"); // CRUD on Log_201903 table (also add suffix to related tables)
repo.Insert(new Log { ... });
  1. IFreeSql
fsql.Select<Log>().AsTable((t, old) => $"{old}_201903").ToList(); // Query on Log_201903 table
fsql.Insert(new Log { ... }).AsTable("Log_201903").ExecuteAffrows(); // Insert into Log_201903 table
fsql.Update<Log>().AsTable("Log_201903").SetSource(item).ExecuteAffrows(); // Update Log_201903 table
fsql.Delete<Log>().AsTable("Log_201903").Where(a => a.Id == 1).ExecuteAffrows(); // Delete from Log_201903 table
fsql.InsertOrUpdate<Log>().AsTable("Log_201903").SetSource(item).ExecuteAffrows(); // Insert or update Log_201903 table

Dynamic Conditions

  1. ISelect.Where(string sql) uses raw conditions:
fsql.Select<Region>().Where(" > 0") // Warning: SQL injection vulnerability
  1. Dynamic Lambda Expressions
Expression<Func<Region, bool>> where = null;
where = where.And(b => b.Id > 10);
where = where.Or(b => b.Id == 1);
// WHERE id > 10 OR id = 1
  1. ISelect.WhereDynamicFilter method implements dynamic filter conditions (interact with frontend), supported operators:
  • Contains/StartsWith/EndsWith/NotContains/NotStartsWith/NotEndsWith: Contains/Does not contain, like '%xx%', or like 'xx%', or like '%xx%'
  • Equal/NotEqual: Equals/Not equals
  • GreaterThan/GreaterThanOrEqual: Greater than/Greater than or equal to
  • LessThan/LessThanOrEqual: Less than/Less than or equal to
  • Range: Range query
  • DateRange: Date range, with special handling for value[1] + 1
  • Any/NotAny: Matches any item in value (SQL IN)
  • Custom: Custom parsing
DynamicFilterInfo dyfilter = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<DynamicFilterInfo>(@"
  ""Logic"": ""And"",
    { ""Field"": ""id"", ""Operator"": ""Equals"", ""Value"": 1 },
      ""Logic"": ""Or"",
        { ""Field"": ""id"", ""Operator"": ""Equals"", ""Value"": 2 },
        { ""Field"": ""id"", ""Operator"": ""Equals"", ""Value"": 3 }
// WHERE id = 1 AND (id = 2 OR id = 3)

Example of implementing Custom:

  Logic: 'And',
    { Field: 'id', Operator: 'Equals', Value: 1 },
      Logic: 'Or',
        { Field: 'id', Operator: 'Equals', Value: 2 },
            Field: '{{ DynamicFilterCustomImpl.CustomLinq }}', 
            Operator: 'Custom', 
            Value: 'Title.StartsWith(\'new topic 1\')'
var dyfilter = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<DynamicFilterInfo>(json);
// WHERE id = 1 AND (id = 2 OR title like 'new topic 1%')

// Install nuget System.Linq.Dynamic.Core
public class DynamicFilterCustomImpl
    // JSON Field corresponds to this value
    public static string CustomLinq = $"{nameof(DynamicFilterCustomImpl.DynamicLinq)} {typeof(DynamicFilterCustomImpl).FullName},{typeof(DynamicFilterCustomImpl).Assembly.FullName}";

    public static LambdaExpression DynamicLinq(object sender, string value)
        if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(value)) value = "1==2";
        ParameterExpression t = Expression.Parameter(sender.GetType().GetGenericArguments()[0], "t");
        var exp = DynamicExpressionParser.ParseLambda(new ParameterExpression[] { t }, typeof(bool), value);
        return exp;

Dynamic Sorting

  1. ISelect.OrderBy(string sql) uses raw sorting:
fsql.Select<Region>().OrderBy(" desc") // Warning: SQL injection vulnerability
  1. ISelect.OrderByPropertyName uses property names for sorting:
  • Supports navigation properties, e.g., OrderByPropertyName("Parent.Code")
  • Supports multi-table queries, e.g., OrderByPropertyName("b.Code")

Dynamic Include

  1. ISelect.IncludeByPropertyName method implements dynamic eager loading, corresponding to Include/IncludeMany:

    .IncludeByPropertyName("Childs", then => then
  1. List<TDto>.IncludeByPropertyName extension method also implements dynamic eager loading for OneToMany relationships:

Non-entity types can also be cascaded loaded; they do not need navigation property relationships.

var dtos = fsql.Select<Region>().ToList<Dto>();

    orm: fsql, 
    property: "Childs", 
    where: "ParentId=Id", // Temporary relationship
    take: 5, 
    select: "id,name",
    then => then.IncludeByPropertyName("Parent")

Dynamic Data Returns

  1. ISelect.ToList uses raw SQL to return data:
List<(int, string)> list = fsql.Select<Region>()
    .ToList<(int, string)>(",") // Warning: SQL injection vulnerability
  1. ISelect.ToDataTableByPropertyName uses property names to return data:
DataTable dt = fsql.Select<Region>()
    .ToDataTableByPropertyName(new [] {

Dynamic Fragments

FreeSql provides APIs for directly using SQL fragments such as Where(sql), GroupBy(sql), OrderBy(sql), ToList(sql).

Please be cautious of SQL injection vulnerabilities when using these APIs.

It is not recommended to directly POST SQL from the frontend to the backend for these operations. Instead, you should map these queries on the backend. For example:

var whereMapping = new Dictionary<string, string>
    ["where1"] = " > {0}",
    ["where2"] = "len( > {0}"
var orderByMapping = new Dictionary<string, string>
    ["order1"] = " asc, desc",
    ["order2"] = "len( desc"

// Suppose the frontend POST content is postWhere=where1&postWhereValue=100&postOrder=order1
        whereMapping.TryGetValue(postWhere, out var whereSql), 
        string.Format(whereSql, postWhereValue)
        orderByMapping.TryGetValue(postOrder, out var orderSql), 