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ManyToOne navigation properties are loaded by ToList(includeNestedMembers: false), parameter description:

false: Return the navigation data of Level 2 Join (default);

true: Return the navigation data of all levels of depth Join (unused navigation data will not be returned).

Select<Tag>().Include(a => a.Parent.Parent).ToList(true);

Select<Tag>().Where(a => a.Parent.Parent.Name == "1").ToList(true);
//Write in this way, no need to mark Join, 
//it will be automatically processed into LeftJoin when parsing the expression

IncludeMany greedily loads the navigation properties of the collection. In fact, it is queried twice, and data is assembled after ToList.

Select<Tag>().IncludeMany(a => a.Songs).ToList();

IncludeMany has a second parameter, which can be modified before the second query.

Select<Tag>().IncludeMany(a => a.Songs, 
    then => then.Where(song => song.User == "admin")).ToList();

In fact, in Then, you can continue to use Include/IncludeMany. As long as you like it, it’s okay to go down 100 levels.


It can also be greedily loaded without configuring the navigation relationship.

Select<Tag>().IncludeMany(a => a.TestManys.Where(b => b.TagId == a.Id));

Only query the first few pieces of data in each sub-collection to avoid poor IO performance caused by loading all data like EfCore (for example, there are 2000 comments under a product).

Select<Tag>().IncludeMany(a => a.TestManys.Take(10));

The sub-collection returns a part of the fields to avoid the problem of too many fields.

Select<Tag>().IncludeMany(a => a.TestManys.Select(b => new TestMany { Title = b.Title ... }));

IncludeMany Extensions

When the main data already exists in the memory, how to load the sub-data? So we added the List<T> extension method, the example is as follows:

new List<Song>(new[] { song1, song2, song3 })
    .IncludeMany(fsql, a => a.Tags);
new List<Song>(new[] { song1, song2, song3 })
        orm: fsql, 
        property: "Tags", 
        where: "ParentId=Code", 
        take: 5, 
        select: "id,name"

Comparison of the Two Ways of IncludeMany

Way 1: IncludeMany extensions

var list111 = fsql.Select<SysModule>()
    .Page(1, 10)
    .ToList(a => new { Id = a.Id }) //Query data id
    .Select(a => new SysModule { Id = a.Id }).ToList() //Memory operation
    .IncludeMany(fsql, a => a.Permissions, then => then.Include(a => a.Button));
SELECT a."Id" as1 
FROM "SysModule" a 
limit 0,10

SELECT a."Id", a."SysModuleId", a."SysModuleButtonId", a."Status", 
a__Button."Id" as5, a__Button."Name", a__Button."EventName", a__Button."EnCode", a__Button."Icon", a__Button."Sort", a__Button."CreateTime" 
FROM "SysModulePermission" a 
LEFT JOIN "SysModuleButton" a__Button ON a__Button."Id" = a."SysModuleButtonId" 
WHERE ((a."SysModuleId") in ('menu1','menu2'))

Way 2: Directly IncludeMany + ToList

var list222 = fsql.Select<SysModule>()
    .IncludeMany(m => m.Permissions, then => then.Include(a => a.Button))
    .Page(1, 10)
SELECT a."Id", a."ParentId", a."Name", a."Icon", a."UrlAddress", a."IsShow", a."Sort", a."Description", a."CreateTime" 
FROM "SysModule" a 
limit 0,10

SELECT a."Id", a."SysModuleId", a."SysModuleButtonId", a."Status", 
a__Button."Id" as5, a__Button."Name", a__Button."EventName", a__Button."EnCode", a__Button."Icon", a__Button."Sort", a__Button."CreateTime" 
FROM "SysModulePermission" a 
LEFT JOIN "SysModuleButton" a__Button ON a__Button."Id" = a."SysModuleButtonId" 
WHERE ((a."SysModuleId") in ('menu1','menu2'))

Case: Query Vod table, 10 data for each of category 1, category 2, and category 3

class Vod {
    public Guid Id { get; set; }
    public int TypeId { get; set; }

//Define a temporary class, it can also be a DTO
class Dto {
    public int TypeId { get; set; }
    public List<Vod> Vods { get; set; }

var dto = new [] { 1,2,3 }.Select(a => new Dto { TypeId = a }).ToList();
dto.IncludeMany(fsql, d => d.Vods.Take(10).Where(vod => vod.TypeId == d.TypeId));

//After execution, each element.Vods of DTO will only have 10 records
